Contact Details

Stefan Petters
+43 664 143 8891

Weidlichgasse 12/6
1130 Vienna



Global Initiatives in Waste Gasification

MSW residues usually incur in a combination of wet and combustible forms, requiring separate or sequential treatments by bio- and thermo- chemical processes, rather than incinerating under admixture of auxiliary fuel addition. Thermo-chemical decomposition of poor carbonaceous fuels into energy-rich producer gas has been demonstrated with biomass feedstock technically mature over more than 5 years now at 30 – 50GJ solid fuel consumption and is currently ramped up in Gothenburg [SE] at a 120GJ feedstock scale. 

Still lacking financial self-sufficiency of Vienna’s latest state of art Pfaffenau incineration plant, where an integrated ADOS facility for commercial F&K waste is used to cover auxiliary fuel demand and excess RDF fractions are stored for evening out seasonal patterns, have inspired us to look at waste gasification as the more resource efficient approach than incineration. 

From publicly available data we could summarize almost 1½ dozen initiatives of waste gasification globally. Some of them even target for waste hydrocarbon transformation into transportation fuel hydrocarbons, which seems to be the more value adding downstream usage path than just CHP. 

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